The Proprietors intend to maintain a healthy and safe environment for pupils – in school and on off-site visits, employees, visitors and volunteers to The White House and Woodentops Kindergarten and Day Nursery. They aim to ensure that the work and activities carried out by the school do not adversely affect the health and safety of any person. In order to achieve this aim they recognise the need for consultation and communication with all staff on Health and Safety issues. They also recognise the need to seek expert advice, where necessary, in order to determine risks to Health and Safety.
The Proprietors will take all reasonably practical steps to fulfil this responsibility and will pay particular attention to meeting the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974,
‘Health and safety: responsibilities and powers’, DCSF/DofE (2001) guidance, ‘The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order, 2005 and associated regulations such as the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) enforce it.
The Proprietors require employees at all times to pursue their objectives in respect of health and safety.
- Organisation and delegation of duties.
The 1974 Act places overall responsibility with the Proprietors.
The Proprietors are also responsible to brief any new employees on the School’s Health and Safety policy. This responsibility passes to the Headmaster as appropriate. (Induction).
They should remind all employees and pupils of these matters and of their individual responsibilities (employees) at least once a year most normally at the start of the new school year.
All staff hold responsibilities for the Health and Safety of their areas of the school. Risk Assessing the environment is a dynamic and ongoing activity. Any employees noticing a hazard or defect, which might give rise to an accident, should report it immediately.
The public areas of the grounds and the building are inspected every morning before the pupils arrive.
Class Teachers are to inspect daily (morning and afternoon) their areas of responsibility for hazards, or defects, which might affect safety and sign their registers to confirm
their areas are safe and hazard free.
Any Hazards found are to be reported to the Proprietors immediately.
Employees must take reasonable care of their own and other’s health and safety and co-operate with their employers. They must carry out activities in accordance with training and with instructions given and inform the employer of any serious risks.
Any employee wishing for advice in a health and safety matter should approach the
Headmaster or the Proprietors.
Shared responsibility
All members of the school community (Proprietors, Headmaster, staff, pupils, parents etc) shre in the duty and responsibility to be alert to the possibility of accidents occurring and to report potentially dangerous situations to their Principal or Headmaster. It is the duty of the person receiving the report to do all in their power to rectify the dangerous situation as soon as possible.
- Arrangements made to put in place, monitor and review measures necessary to reach satisfactory health and safety standards.
Formal inspections of the premises, including outside areas, will be carried out half yearly in accordance. Inspections will be carried out by the Proprietors and the Headmaster who are responsible for ensuring any Health and Safety problems identified by the inspection are dealt with including those concerning lifting, carrying, tripping, slipping and falling.
Controlling risks in curriculum areas:
It is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that any damage to classroom equipment is reported immediately.
Equipment should be checked and cleaned weekly.
Milton should be used for disinfecting toys that are used by the children.
It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that pupils are aware of any potential hazards and to check that all reasonable precautions are taken.
Scissors, knives and tools should be stored safely and children should be instructed in the correct usage of these.
Children using craft knives, glue guns etc. should never be left unsupervised.
ICT equipment must not be allowed to overheat the area of the room in which it is contained. (18 degrees C).
Sport, Games and PE
The Director of Sport will ensure all physical education equipment is checked regularly for defects. However other apparatus may be used in EYs or other areas therefore those staff introducing the equipment have a responsibility to ensure it complies with H&S standards.
It is the responsibility of the teacher, teaching assistant or Early Years Practitioner to ensure that apparatus have been correctly erected before children begin to use it.
Apparatus must be sited and spaced so that collisions are unlikely to occur. The number of children using any one piece of apparatus should be limited to reduce the likelihood
of accidents.
Children should work quietly when using apparatus so that the teacher or Early Years
Practitioner may be heard easily.
Children who are stuck or unsure of their ability on certain apparatus must not seek help from other group members, but ask one of them to fetch the teacher or Early Years Practitioner.
Each lesson should begin with warm-up activities and the need for these should be explained to the children e.g. to prevent straining of muscles.
Children should change into appropriate clothing for PE lessons.
Whenever possible where high apparatus is involved children should have bare arms and legs.
For indoor work bare feet are preferable.
Long hair should be tied back, and any jewellery removed.
In the event of an accident:
all children must come down from the apparatus and sit on the floor.
One child must be sent to the Headmaster or School Office and First Aider for help while the teacher or Early Years Practitioner stays with the class and keeps the children calm and away from the injured child.
Risk assessments for Fire Precautions, the prevention of accidents, building works in the school, engineering inspections, electrical safety and off-site visits by pupils and staff will be carried out by the proprietors and reviewed annually.
- Training of staff in health and safety including competence in risk assessment.
All staff should consult Heads or Proprietors on any Health and Safety issue they consider relevant to their activities as employees.
- Off-site visits including school led adventure holidays.
Staff must ensure that a member of the school or Day Nursery staff has always attended a venue before taking pupils and a Risk Assessment must be completed and signed by the Headmaster/Principal. These are to include the journey to and from the site as well as the visit itself.
School led adventure holidays must be preceded by a Risk Assessment by the lead member of the party.
Staff pupil ratios must be at least:
1:4 – Early Years
1:6 – Prep School (Key Stage 1),
1:10 – Prep School (Key Stage 2).
Staff member should take a school mobile on the trip in case of emergency.
A class list with contact telephone numbers should be held by the teacher in charge of the group.
When off-site Early Years children should have the school name and mobile telephone number of the teacher in charge visible on their top.
Key Stage 1 and Early Years pupils may walk or travel by coach, with seat belts.
Only Key Stage 2 pupils may travel by train or tube, with the express permission of the
Parents and Trips:
Parents are also encouraged to accompany children as additional helpers. Staff must ensure all passengers wear seat belts during journeys.
Parents are always informed of off-site visits and written consent obtained.
Road safety procedure
On the occasion when it is necessary to walk the children from one location to another, there are guidelines set out for the staff to ensure the safety of all the children:
The members of staff in charge will have a clear idea of the route to be taken before leaving to avoid any misunderstandings.
The children will be counted before departure, at regular intervals along the route and on arrival at the final destination.
Members of staff should ensure that enough time is allocated so that children do not have to hurry.
The children are encouraged to walk quietly and sensibly as this enables the staff to be immediately aware of any problems.
Walk in pairs.
Members of staff will walk on the road-side of the pavement so that they are between the children and the traffic.
On crossing roads always use a recognised crossing where available, i.e. controlled traffic lights or zebra crossing. A member of staff will first ensure that there is no moving traffic and then stand in the middle of the road before the children start to cross. There will always be a member of staff at the beginning and the end of the line of children to ensure a safe crossing.
- Selecting and controlling contractors.
The selection and control of contractors is the responsibility of the proprietors. The presence of workers other than those employed in school may create potentially hazardous situations.
Contractors should discuss with the school the potential hazards that might be caused by the work e.g. materials, machinery noise, dust and traffic. It is the responsibility of the proprietors to check the safety record of the contractor. On completion of the contract the Proprietors should do a full inspection.
Contractors should only work on site accompanied by a member of staff or out of term time. Contractors should have no direct contact with children.
- First Aid and supporting pupil’s medical needs (See First Aid Policy and
Administration & Storage of Medicines)
There are designated First Aiders available at all times. EYs staff are trained as Paediatric First
Aiders and a high proportion of other staff are similarly trained.
Parents of pupils with medical problems that require treatment at school are asked to provide specialist information so that the staff concerned are fully aware of their conditions.
Staff must only administer medicines in accordance with the school’s Administration and Storage of Medicines Policy which includes provision for signed permission from parent and in the presence of a second member of staff.
All staff will be made aware of any child who has asthma, diabetes or could suffer from anaphylactic shock and the appropriate emergency procedures to be taken.
Currently there is no separate room to provide welfare or medical facilities within school. However the School Office provides for welfare facilities for staff and children as it can provide a discrete quiet area adjacent to a bathroom and is supervised during
the school day.
- School security. (GDPR/Storage & Retention of film)
CCTV cameras are in use at the three main entrances.
To prevent unauthorised access to the premises, the outside front door must be kept locked when not in use, as must the side gates.
The back door opens on a code, which must not be given to any visitor or pupil.
Visitors to the school will be only let in with the express permission of the Principal or Head and must have photographic identification checked (e.g. Id card, driving licence) and sign the visitors book on entry and leaving. Visitors books are located by the front door and in the school office.
- Occupational health services and work related stress.
Employees are encouraged to discuss with the Heads and Proprietors any stress related matters as soon as they have concerns.
- Consultation arrangements with employees.
Communication of Health and Safety information is a two-way process. The Principal and Heads are responsible for circulating all relevant Health and Safety bulletins/updates to staff who need them.
The Health and Safety Policy will be circulated to all staff annually and to new staff on appointment.
Staff who identify a Health and Safety issue or hazard are responsible for bringing it to the attention of the Headmaster or/and Proprietors.
- Workplace safety for teachers, pupils and visitors.
Visitors to the school are required to sign the visitors book on entry and again when they leave. By signing the visitors book visitors are agreeing to comply with all
H&S and Safeguarding Policies operated by the school.
Visitors should be escorted at all times unless they hold a valid DBS check and have express permission from the Headmaster.
Dismissal and collection of pupils
Children may only be collected by a parent unless a parent has provided written/email confirmation giving the name of the other person collecting the child, OR has instructed a member of staff if the child is not returning with their parent.
Older children will be allowed to go home with other adults if confirmed with a member of staff.
- Manual handling.
The Proprietors should ensure that employees do not have to lift, carry or move any load so heavy that it is likely to injure them. All lifting should be done by two people or left for the Proprietors to deal with.
- Slips and trips.
Safe Use of Step Ladders
- The ladder will be secured with a locked chain.
- The key for the chain will be kept in the office.
- Staff using the ladder must also have one helper with them at all times.
- The member of staff plus the helper must sign a book stating time and date of use. This book will be kept in the office.
- The ladder must never be used on the stairs at any time.
- The ladder must not be used in the vicinity of children at any time.
- Staff must not climb on desks or chairs at any time to put things up on the wall.
- The ladder will have a safety sticker attached to explain safe use.
- All staff must read the safety instructions and sign a letter saying they have read and understood instructions.
- If these rules are not followed, an immediate warning will be issued.
The Proprietors do not allow any employee or pupil to climb on desks or chairs for any purpose. The possibility of these occurring should be minimised by ensuring that pupils wear appropriate footwear and do not run in passageways. Floors are to be kept dry except during cleaning and keeping floors and passageways free of obstructions. Steps should be illuminated and outdoor paths kept free of snow and ice by clearing and applying salt.
- Onsite vehicle movements. – Please see Vehicles on site policy (16i)
Vehicles may only enter the grounds by permission of the Principal.
Pupils may not enter or leave the buildings when vehicles are moving on site.
- Management of asbestos.
There is no known asbestos in the buildings.
Specialist contractors should be employed for removal if any asbestos was discovered.
- Control of hazardous substances. (COSHH) – Maintained by Atlantic Cleaning
A COSHH assessment will be made for all substances used on the school premises.
Safety data sheets must be obtained for all products designated as hazardous following COSHH assessment. Copies of the safety data sheets will be kept in the cleaners’ storeroom and in the school risk assessment file in the office. It is the responsibility of staff wishing to introduce a new substance into school to ensure that a COSHH assessment is carried out before the product is used. The COSHH assessment will be reviewed annually. The Proprietors/Atlantic Cleaning are responsible for carrying out COHSE assessments.
- Maintenance and when necessary examination and test of plant and equipment such as electrical equipment, local exhaust ventilation, pressure systems, gas appliances, lifting equipment and glazing safety.
All electrical sockets in Early Years will be covered when not in use.
All electrical equipment in school including audio-visual, computer and copying machines will be checked by a qualified electrician.
Fixed installations will be checked every five years.
The Gas system will be tested annually.
Recommended room temperatures are 18C for classrooms and 15C in Halls. There must be adequate ventilation.
- Recording and reporting accidents to staff, pupils and visitors – including those reportable under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR).
Certain types of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences must be reported to the HSE. These include:
Any injury resulting in absence of work for more than three (3) days.
Any injury requiring admittance to hospital for more than twenty-four (24) hours.
Road traffic accidents related to a work activity.
If a child is sent to hospital by ambulance following an injury or illness at school, or if there is any serious accident, illness or injury to, or death of, any child while in the care of the school:
This incident and any action taken must be reported to Ofsted as soon as is reasonably practicable but not more than 14 days after the incident. (See Serious accidents, injuries and deaths document.).
Notification must also be made to local child protection agencies. The school must then act on the advice from those agencies.
The definition of accident includes an act of violence to an employee. The Principal is responsible for reporting all incidents to the HSE.
- Fire safety, including testing of alarms and evacuation procedures.
The White House Preparatory School and Woodentops Day Nursery is a no smoking environment.
In the event of a fire (See Emergency Plan) the assembly point is the Grafton Tennis Club for the White House and the tennis courts at the Kindergarten.
The fire alarm will be tested termly in rotation and recorded in the fire logbook.
Termly fire evacuation drills will be carried out and also recorded in the fire logbook.
Mary McCahery acts as fire marshal and Tony Lewis acts as a second check on termly fire drills.
Both Mary McCahery and Tony Lewis deliver fire induction to all staff that join the school as part of the induction process.
Fire-fighting equipment will be inspected annually and checks recorded on the equipment, as per Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997, Fire risk assessment will be carried out annually. (see Fire Log.)
Fire Evacuation procedures are visible throughout the building.
- Safe use of School Kiln
Security and Access
Fire safety regulations require only trained individuals to use the kiln. Children are not allowed to access the kiln room and firings should only take place out of school hours. They are responsible for turning off the heaters, lights, locking the cupboard and all doors on leaving the pottery.
Safe Practice
The main dangers in any pottery are from heat and electrical equipment, sharp and heavy objects. It is as well to remember that all ceramic materials can be hazardous but the following guidelines are given:-
- Do everything possible to reduce dust by keeping surfaces, equipment and clothing clean. Take care not to create dust when mixing slips and glazes.
- Keep all ceramic materials away from the mouth
- Do not use toxic materials for making food containers.
- Members should learn to lift heavy objects properly. Get help if necessary. Heavy objects should not be stored above head height.
- Do not rub your fingers over kiln shelves or newly fired pottery for your own safety.
- Never touch electrical switches with damp hands.
- Members must ensure that all sharp objects such as wire cutters, scissors, knives and tools are put away in the locked cupboard.
- Reduce dust by wet washing all surfaces – never dry brush.
- Clear all spillages immediately and thoroughly.
- Cover cuts with water proof plasters.
Kiln is only loaded, fired and unloaded by a trained member of staff (Art leader), Shan Simpson. The kiln room is kept locked and may only be opened by teachers. Children are not allowed in the kiln room at any time.
Kiln is checked regularly and any faulty items repaired or discarded.
Room layout
Room layout and equipment is arranged to allow safe movement about the rooms and minimal risk for fire.
- Dealing with health and safety emergencies – procedures and contacts.
The Head or Proprietors are responsible for contacting the emergency services if required, see
Emergency plan below.
- Accident notification procedure.
All accidents must be recorded on the Accident Sheets, which are kept on the ground floor, in the school office and in Early Years.
Parents will be notified immediately of any serious accident involving their child.
Where a child has had a bump on the head the teacher responsible for the child will also accompany the child to their parent/carer at the end of school and explain the incident and ask them to sign the accident sheet – these will be filed in pupil’s personal file.
If the bump is serious the child will be taken directly to hospital and the parents informed by telephone.
- Substance abuse and staff taking medication:
Smoking, alcohol, drugs and abusive substances are not allowed on the school premises. Any staff found at school to be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs would be sent home and this would be considered to be a matter of gross misconduct.
Children’s health and well-being is of the utmost importance for the children in our care. In accordance with childcare legislation, the school operates a strict no smoking policy within its buildings and grounds. It is illegal to smoke in enclosed places.
Parents are respectfully required to abstain from smoking whilst on the premises. This rule also applies to staff, students, carers, visitors, contractors etc.
Staff accompanying children outside the school are not permitted to smoke e.g. whilst on an outing.
If a member of staff is taking medication which may affect their ability to care for the children, they should seek medical advice, regarding their fitness to work. The Head must ensure that staff only work with children if medical advice confirms that the medication is unlikely to impair their ability to look after the children properly. Staff medication should be stored securely and out of reach of children.
- Food Poisoning
As registered providers we will notify OFSTED of any food poisoning cases affecting 2 or more children cared for on the premises. Notification will take place as soon as is reasonably practicable, but in any event within 14 days of the the incident.
Policy will be reviewed annually
Policy reviewed: Sept 16 By: Proprietor Policy reviewed: Sept 17 By: Proprietor Policy reviewed: Sept 18 By: Proprietor To be reviewed: Sept 19 By: Proprietor
1.1 The purpose of this Emergency Plan is to define school response to a major
incident particularly in London. For the purposes of the Plan a major incident is likely to be one which involves major site failure or trauma. The plan particularly deals with the logistics of response outside the working day.
1.2 This document should be read in conjunction with the school’s Health and Safety
Policy. The plan is updated annually or more frequently as necessary.
2.1 The Emergency Team comprises Principal, Head teacher, Deputy Head and Head of Pre Prep, any of whom may determine that a major incident has occurred. An early action should be to alert the Emergency Team to what has happened. If the incident has occurred outside normal working hours, all available members of the team should liaise with each other as soon as practicable.
3.1.1 Outside the working day, senior management are able to access the school and deactivate the alarm system.
3.2 Pupil information including addresses and emergency contact numbers are available on a manual system, stored in the office in the black file. This is regularly up-dated and includes staff details.
3.3 A list of essential contact numbers is given overleaf.
4.1 A major incident may be characterised by
– incomplete or inaccurate information as to what has happened
– panic or emotionally charged responses (particularly during the school day)
– the urgent need to provide information for emergency services
– the need to isolate or evacuate areas of school to ensure safety of staff and students
– requests for information from parents, pupils and the media which may jam the school’s telephone system.
4.2 In dealing with a major incident the Emergency Team must assert control, create a sense of calm and work proactively in liasing with the other services and parents.
5.1 In the event of failure/jamming of the school’s telecommunication system, mobile phones are available.
6.1 All four roles defined below may not always be required. As soon as the Emergency Team has been gathered, roles should be allocated. Liaison with the media will usually be a role of the head teacher.
6.2 Co-ordination and Media
– Keep an overview of what is happening/who is doing what
– Co-ordinate action taken
– Act as point of contact with emergency services
– Decide which agencies need to be brought in
– Out of school hours, decide which staff need to be brought in
– Receive information from other staff
– Regularly update emergency team/staff on situation as it develops
– Respond to media contact and/or statements to be read to media
6.2 Managing Information/Calls In/Out
– Receive information on situation as it develops
– Log all calls
– As necessary, brief/oversee other staff fielding calls
– Pass new information to co-ordinator for dissemination
– Identify pupils, parents and others to be contacted
– Liaise with police on individual information
– Make telephone contact as necessary using information for co-ordinator
– Log all calls
6.3 Managing Site and Pupils
– Respond to parents, etc., who arrive on site (use information given/avoid speculation)
– In school day – identify areas of site to be isolated/evacuated
– Brief staff on emergency action to be taken
– Co-ordinate action
– Liaise with support/emergency services in relation to site
– Lead planning and contingency arrangements for subsequent running of school
– Co-ordinate pupil support services (eg. counselling)
7.1 Managing the media needs careful and, where possible, proactive handling. All approaches should be dealt with by the Principal or Head Teacher.
7.2 As soon as practicable the Head Teacher should brief the chair of the WAPS Committee.
7.3 Instructions regarding special arrangements or school closure should be given through e-mail, telephones (mobiles & land lines).
8.1 The Emergency Team should review the events and co-ordinate arrangements for contingency or other work which may be required.
9.1 In the event of major failure of equipment which would prevent the school from opening, information will be communicated to parents via text/e-mail/telephone.
10.1 In the event of enforced closure due to unforeseen circumstances, such infectious disease outbreak or extreme weather conditions, parents will be contacted by text messaging / email between 7:00am and 7.30am to provide further information.
Police 020 7326 1212
London Electricity (freephone) 0845 600 102
Gas – 24 hours 0800 111 999
Water – 24 hours 0845 9200 800
Lambeth Council Emergency 020 7926 1000
Health Protection Unit 020 7939 3670 / 020 3049 4280
Let Me Entertain You – Catering Services 020 7720 4697 / 07958569066
Tony Lewis Headmaster 07500668911
Mary McCahery Principal 07956 836233
Jane Mew School secretary 07715 720320
Laura Randall Vice Principal 07917862938
Grace McCahery Vice Principal 07779 578696
Leonie Chacksfield Deputy Head 07799414031
Action to be taken by a member of staff on discovery of an event requiring evacuation of the building.
- Clear everyone from the immediate area.
- Raise the alarm by breaking the nearest fire alarm glass and contacting the Principal or Head
Teacher who will contact the emergency services.
- The teacher timetabled to be in charge of the class/group/individual, at the time the alarm is raised, is responsible for ensuring that the pupil(s) in their charge exit the building/playground/annexe with the class register.
- Evacuate everyone from classrooms or areas of activity, leaving by the nearest fire exit, walking quickly and silently.
- The senior teacher will check all areas for children before finally exiting the building.
- Close all windows and doors on exit from the building.
- The first assembly point is on the right of the school on the grass verge opposite the block of flats at 26 – 56 Thornton Road, when the class registers are checked.
- The class teacher is responsible for informing the Principal or Headteacher of any discrepancies.
- Pupils are then escorted to the Grafton Tennis Club grounds at 70A Thornton Rd where they will stay until collected by their parents.
- 10. Give each teacher a drawing of nearest exit. Ensure that there is a drawing near to each call point to show nearest exit.
- To minimise the possibility of late collection
- To establish clear procedures in the event that a child is not collected at the end of the school day
- To follow up the non-collection to minimise the possibility of it happening again.
Minimising the possibility of late collection
The times of the school day are clearly communicated to parents in the parents’ Information sheets. Parents are also informed of the importance of informing the school if there are any changes to their collection arrangements or if they are going to be late. It is equally important that the relevant staff are informed that a parent has notified the school or Nursery of late collection. If the school changes the collection time it will notify this clearly to parents and in advance e.g. through the termly Dates’ List , weekly Newsletter, e-mail or text. Children are also to be reminded about this by their Class Teacher.
Procedure to be followed if a child is not collected
If a child is not collected at the end of the school/Nursery day it is important to establish with the child what their understanding of the arrangement was. The child may need reassurance if they are worried or concerned. If it is a Nursery or Kindergarten morning only child, they should stay with a member of staff and the Head of Early Years or Nursery Manager made aware of his/her presence.
The senior member of staff should carry out steps 1, 3, 4 and 6 below. If it is not possible to contact the parents by 12.30pm or 1.30 for Day Nursery, other emergency contact numbers should be tried. If it has still not been possible to contact anyone the child will need to be provided with a drink and something to eat (check food allergies) and should then attend the afternoon session and, if necessary, After School Care. It is important that the contact numbers are tried regularly throughout the afternoon.
If it is at the end of the school day before school clubs or After School Care/Homework Club starts, the child should remain in the office until 4.00pm. The class teacher should carry out steps 1-5 below and if the child has still not been collected s/he should be sent to After School Care. Depending on the situation, the parents may be phoned at this stage.
If a child has been in school clubs or After School Care/Homework Club it will not be clear until 4:45pm or 6:15 respectively that they has not been collected. The child should remain with the senior teacher on duty whilst he/she carries out steps 1-6 below.
If a child has not been collected at the end of the nursery day by 6.15. the child should remain with either the Nursery manager / proprietor or Head of Early Years, whilst s/he carries out steps 2 – 4 & 6.
The senior teacher, Proprietor, Headteacher, Deputy Head or Head of Early Years:
- Check the child’s Homework Diary.
- Check with office staff to see whether a phone call or note has been received.
- Check in the register for a note.
- Check that the parent is not waiting at a different entrance.
- If they have an older sibling, check if they know of a different arrangement for that evening.
- Check the register in the After School Homework diary
- Call the parent/carer.
Contact numbers are kept in the office and parents are asked regularly to update them. Please ensure that any other staff in school are aware that you are trying to contact a parent. It is important to try the home number, mobile numbers and work numbers. If an answer phone is used please leave a short message to say the day and time, that you are ringing from the White House School and that you still have X with you and could they please contact the school to confirm his/her collection arrangements for today and that you will try another number for them. If a child is picked up after 6:15pm please record this in the late collection book by the front door, giving reasons for the late pick-up. It is important that the child is reassured as they may be getting worried.
If there has been a major incident e.g. in London and many parents may be affected. The senior teacher will continue to try to contact the parents until 6.30pm.
If no contact has been made it will be necessary to use other emergency contacts such as grandparents. It is likely that one of these will come and collect the child. If this is so, a message should be left for the parent to tell them that this is where their child is.
The Head must be informed of the situation; or Principal if he is unavailable.
If by 7pm it has not been possible to make contact with any parent, relative or any of the emergency contact numbers and there is no indication of why the child has not been picked up, it will be necessary to contact Social Services and explain the situation to them. They will advise on the appropriate subsequent course of action.
Once the situation has been resolved it is important to establish how and why the circumstance arose and to ascertain whether there is anything that the school could reasonably do to avoid a recurrence of this situation. It may be necessary to discuss with the parent/carer steps that they could take to avoid recurrence e.g. ensuring that the school has current contact details etc.
It will also be necessary to review the procedures used to ensure that they worked smoothly and if necessary to amend for future incidents.
Useful contact numbers
Lambeth Council Children, young people and adults’ services provide an out of hours team that is there to help with these emergencies. The team consists of one social worker on duty at any time.
Children and Young People’s Service – Tel. 020 7926 1000
International House Canterbury Crescent Brixton, London SW9 7QE
Referral and Assessment team
4th Floor, International House
6 Canterbury Crescent
Brixton SW9 7QE
Tel: 020 792 66010 Tel: 020 792 66583 Tel: 020 792 67868
Tel: 020 792 66586 Tel: 020 792 66676 Tel: 020 792 67856
Tel: 020 792 61772
Once all the expected children have arrived, their names will be checked off the register, and the total number of children present will be recorded.
If it is discovered that a child is missing, a designated member of staff will make an immediate thorough search of the premises.
- If the child is thought to be outside, two members of staff will make an immediate search of the front, rear and sides of the building.
- Once the child has been located, they will be given reassurance and caring support and returned to school.
- With incidents of this nature, parents / carers may also require support and reassurance.
- The parent/carer will be notified and informed of the events, they may wish to collect their child from the group, especially if the child seems upset by their experience.
- The incident and action taken will be recorded in the incident book and made available for the parent/carer to read and sign.
- In the unlikely event of not being able to locate the child, a member of staff will begin a more extensive search of the streets and properties immediately surrounding the school
or venue, if on a school trip, questioning any passers by.
- At the same time, the senior member of staff will contact the police for help and advice, and then contact the parent/carer, in order to inform them of the situation and action taken.
- The senior member of staff will meet the police and parents / carers.
- The senior member of staff will then await instructions from the police.
- Once the child has been located and returned to their parent/carer a full staff meeting will take place as soon as possible, in order to further review safety standards and precautions.
- Any incidents must be recorded in writing.
- OFSTED must be contacted and informed of any incidents.
Risk Assessment List – Sept 2018
Currently held centrally:
Whole school
Day Nursery
Fire – whole school
Fire – Day Nursery
First Aid and Venues
Outside Play
Off-site Visits Overnight Stays Pregnant Workers Specialist Activities SCHS Drama Hall Travel
Walking to Agnes Riley
Walking to Bus Stops
Walking to Tooting Common
Risk Matrix
The White House Preparatory School and
Woodentops Kindergarten
RISK ASSESSMENT MATRIX In-line with Risk assessment Policy
First Aid
1 1 2 3 4 5
2 2 4 6 8 10
Feasible 3 3 6 9 12 15
4 4 8 12 16 20
5 5 10 15 20 25
RISK FACTOR ACTION TABLE Risk Factor Action Required
16 – 25 Unacceptable Risk – Immediate action required
10 – 15 Risk reduction required – High priority
6-9 Medium risk – Action required so far as is reasonably practicable
3-5 Low Priority – Further risk reduction may not be feasible or cost effective
1-2 Low risk – No further action required
Nappy Changing and Toileting Policy.
Nappy changing
The setting will provide a range of different size nappies and wipes for the children. If parents wish to provide their own type of nappy they may do so. Any creams need to be provided by the parents.
Children wearing nappies will be changed at 4 regular intervals throughout the day to keep them comfortable and avoid nappy rash. They will also be changed as necessary if they have soiled or wet.
Nappy changing procedure:
- Ensure that you have everything that you require eg. Nappy, wipes, nappy sack and creams
- Put apron and gloves on
- Place child securely on the mat (never leave a child unattended)
- Remove nappy and dispose of in the nappy bin
- Clean child thoroughly with wipes and dispose
- Place clean nappy on child and re-dress child
- Remove child from mat
- Spray and clean mat with antibacterial spray, between each child
- Remove apron and gloves and dispose of in nappy bin
- Wash hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap
- Record on daily record sheet.
Staff to interact and engage with the children during nappy changing time.
Toilet training
The staff will advise you when your child is ready for toilet training and will support you through this process. The toilets at the Nursery are size appropriate. Children are encouraged to use the toilets and potties are available if preferred.
Parents will be informed of the child progress during this time. Children are rewarded and praised during the toilet training stage.
Disposal of Bodily wastes procedure
To minimise the risk of infection we ensure that:
- All staff wear disposable gloves and aprons when toileting/nappy changing children
- Soiled nappies, wipes etc. are placed in nappy sacks and disposed of in the nappy bin
- Bodily fluids e.g. vomit, blood is cleaned by disposable paper towels and placed in a bag in the nappy bin or in the outside bin, and these are disposed of in the same way.
- The nappy bin is emptied at least twice a day.
- Changing mats are cleaned after every use with disposable paper towels and anti-bacterial spray.
- Any soiled clothes are placed in a nappy bag.
- Used gloves are placed in the nappy bin.
- Hands washed thoroughly using anti-bacterial soap.
The nappy bins are provided by CLD hygiene service. The yellow nappy bin is emptied weekly by the company.